Credit Suisse and BlackRock launch Private Equity Impact Fund

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Credit Suisse and BlackRock have partnered to build the next generation of purpose-driven investments that aim to provide attractive private equity returns in line with the Credit Suisse Supertrends

This will be the first in a series of investment initiatives created for the private wealth market for eligible individual investors. They will seek to achieve a double impact: attractive multiples on the capital invested and positive contribution to addressing major societal trends.

The Health and Wellbeing Fund is designed to tap into a rich set of opportunities across four sub-themes, including physical health and wellbeing, mental health and development, nutrition and resources, and financial health. The themes have been brought into focus and accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic and are supported by Credit Suisse Supertrends; millennials’ values, anxious societies and the silver economy. They also align with selected United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) promoting access, affordability, innovation and inclusion, giving clients the opportunity to generate both social impact, as well as financial outcomes. 

Lydie Hudson, CEO of Sustainability, Research and Investment Products (SRI) at Credit Suisse, commented: “Credit Suisse and BlackRock have shown their mutual commitment to impact investing by providing innovative financial solutions to global societal issues. This joint private market investing program leverages the scale, expertise and strength of both firms to deliver a strong investment experience and outcomes for clients. We are delighted to work with BlackRock, with its proven private equity expertise, to provide clients the opportunity to invest with purpose.”

Michael Strobaek, Global Chief Investment Officer at Credit Suisse, commented: ““Our Supertrends spotlight the long-term investment opportunity in tackling the global demand for health and wellbeing. This intensifies our emphasis on helping investors prioritize sustainability in their portfolios. We need an ambitious response and through our collaboration with BlackRock, we believe we can make a meaningful impact towards improving the accessibility to many aspects of health and wellbeing at scale.”

Mirjam Staub-Bisang, Country Head of BlackRock Switzerland and a Senior Advisor to BlackRock Sustainable Investing (BSI), commented: “BlackRock and Credit Suisse share a fundamental belief that clients can achieve attractive financial return alongside measurable environmental and social impact. BlackRock Private Equity Partners has a long track record of identifying private companies that are delivering innovation and growth in health and wellbeing. This is the first in a series of impact initiatives that we will co-develop with Credit Suisse over the coming years.”

Credit Suisse

Credit Suisse is one of the world’s leading financial services providers. Our strategy builds on Credit Suisse’s core strengths: its position as a leading wealth manager, its specialist investment banking capabilities and its strong presence in our home market of Switzerland. We seek to follow a balanced approach to wealth management, aiming to capitalize on both the large pool of wealth within mature markets as well as the significant growth in wealth in Asia Pacific and other emerging markets, while also serving key developed markets with an emphasis on Switzerland. Credit Suisse employs approximately 49,240 people. The registered shares (CSGN) of Credit Suisse Group AG, are listed in Switzerland and, in the form of American Depositary Shares (CS), in New York. Further information about Credit Suisse can be found at


BlackRock’s purpose is to help more and more people experience financial well-being. As a fiduciary to investors and a leading provider of financial technology, we help millions of people build savings that serve them throughout their lives by making investing easier and more affordable. For additional information on BlackRock, please visit 

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